Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Your First Snow!!!!!

You are 13 days old today and you saw your first real snow! I know you really can't see it and you don't understand, but boy did it snow. We have about 4 inches! We were supposed to go get your first pictures today, but they are just going to have to wait! Daddy and Sam scraped the drives and sidewalks, and Grandma Cheryl helped. Pudge and Bebe played together while they worked. You and Mommy stayed inside where it was warm and napped. You are already changing so much!!!! You are more alert today. You are starting to stay awake more and are starting to take an interest in whats going on around you. Before we know it you will be doing all sorts of big girl things!

My Paw Paw Rich

Your Paw Paw Rich was sick when you were born so he couldn't come to the hospital to hold you. About a week after you were born, he came over to see you. He will spoil you rotten and let you get away with most anything. I look so forward to the many memories you will make with him. I am sure he will take you fishing and for rides in his car.

Meeting Daddy's Family

Grandma Cheryl, Grandpa Tom, and Aunt Jennifer came to see you about a week after you were born. Your Great Great Aunt Donna came up to spend the weekend with you too. They all love you so much! Grandma Cheryl loves to sit and play with you! They were all so glad they got to come meet you.

Grandma's are great

Oh do your Grandma's love you! Grandma Mary-Margaret has been excited for you to get here since the day she found out Mommy was pregnant! It has been a long nine months waiting for you! Great Grandma June has been waiting to hold you! They both came to visit the day after you got home from the hospital.

Meeting Miss Emily

Aunt Lo-Lo

Cousin Chris and Cousin Heather

Cousin Kendall and Cousin Cassidy


Cousin Morgan

Great Aunt Mona


Cousin Andrea

Cousin Robin and Peter

Great Aunt Becky

Uncle Stephen

Kamryn is going to take good care of you

Cousin Kaitlyn Loves you!
You got to meet your cousins Kaitlyn and Kamryn the day after you were born! They love you so much. Uncle Stephen got to meet you too! Great Aunt Becky couldn't wait to meet you! She loves you so much. She could just hold you forever! Cousin Andrea, Cousin Robin, and Peter came too. Andrea was very excited! You have so many cousins! Heather, Chris, Kendall, and Cassidy came and they were very excited. Bill, Mona, and Morgan came to hold you, and Uncle Bill just smiled when he held you. Bob came to see you, and Dawn was there that morning. You had so many visitors I am sure I have forgotten some, but always know you have many people who love you.

I am so loved!

Emily had many visitors during her first few days at the hospital! Everyone wanted to come meet her. Mommy and Daddy enjoyed seeing everyone and were very happy to know that so many people love you. There were so many people there when she was born. Grandpa Rich and Grandma Mary-Margaret, Great Grandma June, Uncle Bill, Aunt Mona, and cousin Morgan stayed to see you too. Amy wouldn't have missed it for the world! Aunt Gretchen was there and Uncle Stephen stopped by early in the day as well. Candace was there and Jason came by too!!!! So many people were excited to see you come into this world. Aunt Gretchen and Lois were there to help you into the world. They were so much help, I couldn't have done it without them. They both love you so much! Most of all, your Daddy was there to help you! He was so great! He loves you so much. He was the first person to hold you, and he was so proud. The day you were born will always be so special. You really are Mommy and Daddy's little blessing.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Emily!!!!

Emily Elizabeth joined us on January 14th, 2009 at 8:48 pm. She weighed 8 pounds and 2 ounces and was 20 inches long. After 18 long hours we finally got to meet our precious baby girl. It was the most amazing moment in my life, to finally see this tiny miracle we created. God has truly blessed us.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Patiently waiting...and waiting...

So here I sit. Still waiting...patiently...or at least trying. I will be 39 weeks on Monday and I can only hope that Miss Emily will make her debut soon. I am trying to stay busy so I don't just sit and think about going into labor, but it is hard to stay busy without getting tired. Her room is ready, clothes are separated and put away, the house is clean, the bag is ready to go...so all that's left to do is wait! I know that it is God's will, and she will come when it is time, but wow is it hard. So with a little more waiting and a whole lot of patience, I hope I will be talking to you all soon, welcoming out little bundle of joy into this world!

Baby Showers Galore!

My co-workers had a baby shower for me on Wednesday. It was so thoughtful of them. I expected the few women who work with me to do something small. When you work for a construction company, you don't usually expect a whole lot of "girly" happenings. Boy was I suprised! They had a huge lunch for me, and even most of tghe guys from the office came!!!! Of course they had been smelling the food all day! Most of them stayed and watched me open my gifts, which were wonderful. I never expected so much, and I am very grateful to all of them!