Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bill and Mona's 4th of July Party

Saturday we went to My Uncle Bill and Aunt Mona's annual 4th of July party. I was tired from Friday night and I don't really care for the fireworks they let the kids set off, but I went and had a good time. Emily and I stayed int he house because it was sprinkling and there were kids letting off firecrackers. Emily wasn't very fond of them, she jumped every time they went off. We stayed until about 8, and Emily was fit to be tied she was so tired. Mom and Dad took us home, and Josh stayed for the fireworks since he loves them so much. It was a fun time, and it was nice to visit with all of my family.

Emily and Grandma
Little Miss playing on the floor
Daddy trying to get Emily to stop fussing
Me and Morgan
Morgan and Ray Ray and their goofy shirts they made
Mona and Addyson

Independence Day 2009

We had a wonderful 4th of July this year! Friday night we had a get together at our house. We had so much fun! There are lots of pictures, but of course I loaded them from the end of the party to the beginning!

Me and the girls were ready to hit the hay!
Ellie showinf Lucas how to play cars
Pudge and Kamryn were worn out!
Lots of kiddos!
Jason and Blake
Miss Ellie stealing potato chips!
Candace and Ryan relaxing on the front porch
Hanging outMe and Abbs
Kamryn getting cupcake all over Ashley
Sam and Sarah
Kaitlyn Faith
Blake making a mess!
Miss Regan and Jenny
Lucas and Wayne making funny faces!
Emily and Lucas playing
Kaitlyn and Kamryn taking a break from swimming to eat
Pa-Paw and Emily hanging out
Me and Brandie
Ashley trying to drown the kiddos
Emily and Ellie playing in the pool
Fun in the sun
the kiddos LOVED the pool
Emily and Brandie (AKA Aunt BranFlakes)
Emily and Daddy ready to swim
The girls couldn't wait to get in the pool!!!


Oh this child's hair! It is so hard to tame and there is just so much of it! Today I decided to try and put it in a pigtail! It worked and she didn't even pull at it! That's my little Pebbles!

I love to be outside!!!!

Work in progress...
At least we finally got rid of the shrubs!
...and I got my flower bed!
Emily was a great supervisor!
Emily telling Daddy what to do!

Josh and I decided we were going to re-do the landscaping in front of our house. The shrubs we had were not very nice to look at, and were not planted properly. So, Josh tore them all out one day last week and got started. I got home from work and he told me to get ready we were going to pick out the plants! I was not expecting this and had no idea what I wanted. Thankfully Emily was napping at Mom's so we went to Lowe's baby-free and had plenty of time to pick out the plants. I think we did a nice job. They are kind of hard to see in these pictures, but I will post photos of the finished project later.
I was worried about trying to get this all accomplished with Emily awake...she likes all the attention and is NOT happy when nobody is paying attention to her. So we brought her bouncer out side and she had a blast. She just loves to be outside. She rarely fusses when she is outside and doesn't like to have to go back in. She just sat a jabbered the whole time, like she was telling us what to do! It was too cute. That little girl sure does make me laugh!